Speaking Up in Meetings

This course is aimed at anybody who wants to improve their speaking skills in informal situations. You’ll have more confidence and greater skills to interact with others, to speak in informal situations, and to present in front of small groups.


1 Day

Time (AWST)


Do you get nervous when presenting at company meetings?

Do you find it hard to make conversation at gatherings and social events?

Do you lock up in awkward social situations?

If so, this course is for you! It’s aimed at anybody who wants to improve their speaking skills in informal situations. You’ll have more confidence and greater skills to interact with others, to speak in informal situations, and to present in front of small groups.

Who will benefit

The course is for anyone who wants to improve their confidence and speaking skills in situations such as meetings, and informal social gatherings.


  • Build your confidence with strong communication and interpersonal skills
  • Develop skills to become comfortable in professional and informal conversation
  • Redesign your communication style to showcase your personal strengths
  • Gain an understanding on how to handle 'sticky situations' and manage difficult conversations
  • Discover how to control and overcome your nervousness.

Learning Outcomes

Participants should be able to:

  • Speak with more confidence in one-on-one conversations
  • Feel more confident speaking socially, or in small groups such as meetings
  • Practice developing these skills in a safe and supportive setting.
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