Professional Membership

AIM WA Code of Conduct

This Code of Conduct and Guides to Good Management Practice have been prepared in line with the Constitution of the Australian Institute of Management - Western Australia and prescribes the standards which any Committee established by the Board for the purpose shall take into account in considering the conduct of a Professional Member of the Australian Institute of Management - Western Australia but so that Committee shall not be prevented from taking other matters into consideration. A member should: 

  1. At all times discharge allotted and accepted responsibilities as a manager with integrity and observe those standards prescribed in the Guides to Good Management Practice determined from time to time by the Australian Institute of Management - Western Australia.
  2. Not misuse authority or office for personal gain.
  3. Comply with the laws of Australia and operate within the spirit of those laws.
  4. So order personal conduct as to uphold and not injure the standing and reputation of the Australian Institute of Management - Western Australia.

Code of Conduct - Introduction

The Australian Institute of Management - Western Australia (AIM WA) promotes the highest standards of management in the community. AIM WA fulfills complementary roles as a professional association of managers and as an education and training Institute.

Professional members of AIM WA are expected to promote the aims and objectives of the Institute and in particular to strive for the highest possible degree of professionalism in their practice of management. The standing of the Institute is already high. It will now be further enhanced by the wider knowledge in the community, that the principles and standards as set out in this Code of Conduct are respected and upheld by all Professional Members of AIM - Western Australia.

Code of Conduct - Foreword

The primary purpose and major value of the Code of Conduct is seen as a Declaration on Intent. It is a statement of the high standards of behaviour, which should apply to all members of the Institute, standards, which are rightly demanded of managers by the community.

While the Code of Conduct is binding on all Professional Members, it is not intended that it be used as an instrument of disciplinary action against members. Whereas the Institute under its Constitution does have the necessary disciplinary powers, the enforcement of the Code by sanctions or expulsion is generally impracticable - except of course, in cases where there has been a conviction under criminal law. The code is a statement of accepted standards of behaviour.

The Code of Conduct and more particularly the Guides to Good Management Practice should not be seen to be unalterable. Members are encouraged to keep the Institute informed of their views as to changes, which might be made. We can then consider amendments which would improve further the effectiveness of the Code and Guides towards achieving our declared objective of establishing accepted standards of behaviour and practice on the part of managers as Professional Members of the Australian Institute of Management - Western Australia.


Managers have personal responsibilities and should:

  1. Demonstrate integrity and humanity and avoid all discriminatory practices including those relating to race, sex religion and politics.
  2. Have regard for the interest of society in carrying out the policies of the organisation.
  3. Not injure or attempt to injure, maliciously or recklessly, directly or indirectly, the professional reputation, prospects or business of others.
  4. Respect the confidentiality of information, which comes to them in the course of their duties.
  5. Balance time interests of their employer with their personal responsibilities and commitments.
  6. Engage in continued learning to improve managerial competence and pursue new ideas and advances in technology.
  7. Accept only such work as they believe they are competent to perform and as necessary obtain expert advice.
  8. Be conversant with the codes of other institutes and associations relevant to their responsibilities.
  9. When called upon to give an opinion, to the best of their ability, do so objectively.


Managers should take appropriate actions to achieve the objectives of the organisation.

  1. The effective and economic management of all available resources.
  2. The appointment, training and development of employees, seeking to integrate aspirations with the requirements of the organisation.
  3. The creation of a humane, safe, healthy and satisfying working environment.
  4. The development of effective communication, understanding and cooperation between all employees.
  5. The practice of delegation of authority wherever possible and the acceptance of responsibility for the work of subordinates.
  6. The fair and equitable treatment and remuneration of employees.
  7. Immediate full disclosure of any personal interest, refraining from activities which conflict with the interests of the organisation.
  8. The frequent review of objectives.


Managers should recognise the interests of the community and act accordingly.

  1. Making every endeavour to conserve the environment, having regard to the rights of future generations.
  2. Preserving and, wherever possible, improving the quality of life within the organisation's sphere of influence.
  3. Promoting the development of further understanding in society of the role and place of the business community.
  4. Ensuring that all contracts and terms of business are clear, concise and honoured in full, unless terminated or modified by mutual consent.
  5. The exclusion of corrupt practices.
  6. Ensuring that all communications are informative, true and not misleading, respecting culture and moral standards and the dignity of the individual.
  7. Participating in public affairs, utilising available professional capacity.
  8. The frequent review of objectives.

If you would like to see a copy of the AIM WA Constitution, please contact us to request this.